

Tres segles i quatre estrenes de música catalana per a oboè a Paper de Música Carles Lobo.Revista Musical Catalana
"A la manera de..." (part 1) Catalunya Ràdio-Joan Vives

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A la manera de... (part 2) Catalunya Ràdio

It look's like you don't have Adobe Flash Player installed. Get it now.

A la manera de... (part 3) Catalunya Ràdio

It look's like you don't have Adobe Flash Player installed. Get it now.

A la manera de... (part 4) Catalunya Ràdio

It look's like you don't have Adobe Flash Player installed. Get it now.

A la manera de... (part 5) Catalunya Ràdio

It look's like you don't have Adobe Flash Player installed. Get it now.

A la manera de... (part 6) Catalunya Ràdio

It look's like you don't have Adobe Flash Player installed. Get it now.

A la manera de... (part 7) Catalunya Ràdio

It look's like you don't have Adobe Flash Player installed. Get it now.